Tuesday, September 6, 2011

There is... Sunday and there is Monday.....

(Think Adams Family song)  There is Tuesday and there is Wednesday, There is Thursday and there is Friday... Then there is Saturday!  Days of the week (clap clap), days of the week (clap clap)!  Yes, we sing this cheesy song every morning as we do our Calender!  The kids love it, beg for it, and it helps me get them dressed in the morning!  I won't do the calender until they are dressed!  This is the start of our school day!

We start by counting the days of the month to get to today! 

We also check the weather, They have the best time deciding what it looks
like each morning, Also because we live near the coast the weather changes
day long, and they are on top of it also changing the card all day long!

Working on "Today, Yesterday, & Tomorrow"

K is sure to include herself in on the action!
Our Calender wall!  Its actually located in our hallway!
Wall space is prime real estate in our small house, but this
spot seems to be working out just perfectly!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Why do I blog?

In case you are wondering why I do this there are a few reasons:

  • Its a great way for my parents to keep up with whats going on with us!  They are retired and traveling around half the year and they just don't 'get' facebook!  They need a basic web address!
  • We just started homeschooling and I think this will be a great way to document our journey, yes there are a ton of blogs about homeschooling already (and some are amazing with awesome info)  but Im planning to use this for looking back and seeing how far we have come and how I've grown!
  • I like the idea of journaling, but realistically I need a more modern place to do this this then just a simple notebook!  I prefer a keyboard to a pen!
So there are a few reasons, Im sure more will come up and I will continue to add them to the list!