Saturday, May 31, 2008

Vocabulary of a 15 month old

T's vocabulary has been booming lately! So here is a list of her current words!
  1. Hello
  2. Hi
  3. Wow
  4. Oh
  5. Uh Oh
  6. Bye Bye (with waving)
  7. Duck
  8. Pay (play)
  9. acker (cracker)
  10. Thank you
  11. That
  12. Daddy
  13. Mama
  14. Ona (Kona)
  15. Sit
  16. Car (usually car car)
  17. Shoe
  18. Ball
  19. Bite (means I want a bite of your food)
  20. Want this?
  21. Milk
  22. Baby
  23. Side (meaning outside)
  24. Eye
  25. Ose (Nose)
  26. Teeth
  27. Vroom Vroom (when she sees cars or motorcycles)
  28. Yes (by shaking head)
  29. No (by shaking head)

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