It has been a very interesting few months introducing our precious baby boy to the world. What people have the nerve to say never ceases to amaze me... However the Hubs and I are both receiving very similar comments basically telling that since we now have our baby boy we 'should' or 'need' to stop having any more kids... Hmmm yeah....?
This irritates me on so many levels...
1st I would never think it was up to me to determine how many children someone should or shouldn't have... especially in a committed and financially stable relationship.
2nd God tells us several times that children are a blessing, however most of the negative comments come while I am a church...I guess I could understand a bit more at the grocery store from random strangers, but I've been caught off guard from receiving most of the negative feedback from people at church, this is a response I would expect more from a worldly perspective.
3rd, what does this message say to my girls? Especially #2? That you weren't good enough, we had to keep trying till we got our boy? We adore our girls, they are a joy, and precious to us! My heart would be broken if either one of them ever felt that we didn't want another girl... so we kept trying for that boy.
Why does this culture we live in place so much more value on little boys? I love my little boy, but no more then my girls. God says that we are created equal in His image, yet boys are still seemed to hold more value. We don't go crazy like some countries, but America still seems to have its opinions on which gender holds more value.
Again another reason I continue to reject the "American Dream" whenever possible. And as for whether or not there will be more babies... Only time will tell, and Yes I know where they come from, how they are made, and thats a whole other blog post!