Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When did this happen???

Miss Kaelyn is now 18 months old!  Seriously it feels like she just arrived!  As you can see her daddy modified a balance bike just for her, she was determined to ride her sisters!  She is talking up a storm!  Her phrases include, "More Mama" "I need" "Bye Bye" "MINE" "Dear Jesus..." (in context of praying, that one melts my heart).  "Yes Jesus Loves Me" (in a singing voice) "Me Go"  "Me Bike" "Cookie" "Daddy" "T"  "Dog dog" "Kona" "Good Girl" and a ton more!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Day at the Park!

Today we went to the park, it was a REALLY windy day, but I think it was good for the girls to get outside for awhile!  Plus gave me a great chance to torture them with the new camera!  I only took 150 pictures =)  Anyway here are some of what I think are cute pictures from today!
Love this picture of little sister watching big sister!

goof totally started posing!  

They had this very intense conversation going on... just wish I could have gotten a better angle.

T riding her beloved 2 Wheeler!